Festive Holiday Weekend Outing on May 26 Lower East Side Gallery Tour

Yes, the galleries are open this holiday weekend, and my Lower East Side gallery tour on Sat. May 26 at 1:00 PM will feature ALL-NEW art by the youngest, freshest artists and gallery owners in the city!  On this tour you’ll see cutting-edge painting, photography, video art, computer-generated sculpture and more!  Family-friendly, too.  It’s going to be a very festive day.

The Lower East Side galleries have been evolving at a breath-taking pace, growing from 10 galleries six years ago to 125 galleries today.  As its identity continues to coalesce, the L.E.S. is clearly becoming this generation’s showcase for emerging artists’ visual art.  In New York City, the L.E.S. has far and away the largest number of start-up galleries, and its gallery owners and artists are significantly younger on average than in any other of this city’s art neighborhoods.

Whenever I lead a tour on a holiday weekend, as this one is, the tour ends up being particularly fun and relaxed.  That’s because many people are enjoying their first of 3 days off, and because we get more visitors to the city looking for adventure.  Some of the newcomers are friends and relatives of my “regulars,” and others are out-of-towners from all over the country and even the world.  People on this tour are going to be open to adventure.  And they’re going to get it, in the best possible sense.

Rafael Risemberg, Ph.D.
Founder and Director
New York GalleryTours